A Challenging Time for Everyone-Approached with Gratitude

Apr 14, 2020

The challenge that people worldwide are enduring now is unprecedented. All we can do is wake up every morning and wonder for the first few minutes of the day “am I dreaming?” Thankfully, as time passes, things will continue to get better but many have lost so much.

We, at Avanti are grateful. Grateful for talent that trusts us to help make big career moves. Grateful for companies that pay us to match people to help build success in their organizations. Grateful for our team, our partners, our vendors that provide the tools for us to do our work. Grateful for the fact that we are already used to working at home as needed. Grateful for the beautiful Spring season that is waiting for us to go outside and hang out with friends and loved ones again. Grateful for the health of those who became ill and have recovered. Grateful for our clinicians, first responders and people in service every day to help provide some sense of normalcy. Grateful for those who have stepped up to lead us during this unprecedented time.

March 2020, Avanti celebrated twenty four years in business. We have launched a new website and are committed to providing value in our blogs and content for those who value thought leadership from a technology talent perspective.

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