Don’t Let _________Get In the Way of Accomplishing Your Goals

Dec 29, 2020

Life happens- There is no need to take your eye off the ball.

Twenty four years ago, the last day at work in the corporate staffing industry before launching my business InfoSYS, I broke my ankle playing soccer with my son. I hobbled in to the house and said to my family “no worries! We are still moving forward!” I had set a goal two years prior to start my own business and was not taking my eye off that goal.

I spent the first six months (the first three months wondering if I had made a critical mistake) in a cast. I still showed up to work, got on the phone and started calling on companies to gain their trust to recruit high impact talent for their teams. Mind you, I knew nothing about technology, I had never even sent an email to anyone. (This was 1998). Although life threw a curve ball, or in this case, I missed a soccer ball-I proceeded with my goal of building a top-notch I.T. recruitment firm.

Life comes at us constantly. For those of us who are goal-driven, we have visual reminders of our goals, we meditate on them, ruminate constantly, and track them. All of a sudden-LOOK OVER HERE! The recession of 2009! WATCH THIS! A global pandemic! This is life. There are no guarantees, promises or sure-things for anyone. I think we have all learned that this year.

Here are some tips that help me stay focused on my goals in light of small and tremendous curve balls:Acknowledge your challenges and keep moving forward. Don’t ignore that things are tough, simply keep in mind that you have probably overcome more significant challenges that are now in the rear-view. Spend more time focused on positive outcomes than negative current situations.

Maintain a keen, laser-focus. Acknowledge that you are worried, concerned and unsure but then gather up your strength and applaud yourself for being brave to keep on trucking toward your goals.

Look out for negative talk that may be covering up a bit of self-sabotage. “I can’t pursue this because we are in a pandemic”, “It is not the right time to pursue this because it is an election year”- Keep moving!

Above all, stay flexible and adaptable. Your goals may have to be tweaked a bit based on conditions that are way out of your control, but how cool would it be to problem-solve existing conditions to attain an even better goal?

Track and celebrate victories that bring you closer to your goals, whether large or small

Keep on trucking! There is nothing better than to celebrate your achievements!

If we can be of service, contact me at [email protected]

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