How to Create A Better Candidate Experience When Using Video Interviews

Jan 13, 2020

By Evelyn Milani

We are in unprecedented times. Companies in certain sectors are hiring and it is a new paradigm for many to use video technology to conduct interviews. In order to maintain a positive reputation as an employer of choice, and attract the best and brightest (we all know people post to Glassdoor) the video interview process should be as frictionless as possible.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind in order to make the video interview experience a positive one for both your teams and moreover, the candidate.

Make sure your company has trained the staff on how to use your video teleconference technology. Most companies use Zoom for panel interviews, some use Skype for person-to-person interviews. A clunky start to a video interview throws everyone off. If people are logging on late, are missing credentials or if the candidate has inaccurate credentials, this creates frustration and will make for a less than productive encounter. You may miss out on hiring a great candidate.

Coordinate your interview questions across the team. Make sure everyone knows the flow, who is heading up the encounter, who will close the interview out, how to communicate via chat during the interview. Above all, make sure the candidate knows who is on the video encounter. Avoid surprises or tricks, this is not the time for trying to see how someone handles surprises.

Make sure you take time to build rapport with the candidate prior to launching into the interview. These are troubling times coupled with candidates already being nervous during an interview. All of us are working at a less-than-optimal state so be kind and have patience.

Have a contingency plan in place in the event that the candidate has problems logging in. Consider assigning someone on the team to reach out via cell to help them log in.

Wrap up the video encounter with “next steps”.

Stay calm and hire on!

If we can help with tough to find outstanding talent, email me at [email protected]

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