Recruiting and Staffing for Great Companies and Great People

Our team has built and fostered business relationships for more than a quarter century with some of the best and brightest technology talent. We are trusted guides to help optimize careers in the complex and growing technology industry.

our story - avanti

Our History

Avanti was founded on the belief that applying a keen eye for detail to match great people and great companies with shared purpose, mission, and leadership style, everyone succeeds.  Whether for contract or full time recruitment, Avanti’s team focuses on deeper alignment beyond just skills or experience.  The goal is for employees to find fulfillment and growth, and companies to benefit from engaged, purpose-driven team members. It’s about building a foundation for long-term success through thoughtful, values-based recruitment and staffing.

Giving Back to the Community

We are passionate about helping under-represented communities. Avanti’s team works to inspire our underserved communities by promoting STEM to education and students. Avanti Recruitment Solutions team members regularly speak to students at local schools to educate them about careers in STEM. We aim to inspire people to join the industry and stay right here in the Sacramento region to help contribute to the local workforce.

In addition, we have identified charities that we support such as American Heart Association’s “Go Red For Women” efforts. Since 2004, the American Heart Association’s signature women’s initiative, Go Red for Women, has addressed the awareness and clinical care gaps of women’s greatest health threat, cardiovascular disease (CVD). AHA is prepared to meet the evolving needs of women now, and at every age, every stage and every season of their lives as their trusted, relevant source for credible, equitable health solutions.

Our Team

Evelyn Milani

President & CEO

Rita Phillips


Cassie Zamora

Candidate Researcher and Sourcer

Chandra Schreck

Agile Operations Manager


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Unlock the secret sauce to reduce your high recruitment costs forever

Build an internal recruitment powerhouse in your firm! Discover the secrets of hiring for cultural fit. Learn how to streamline your internal sourcing and engagement processes so you can identify and attract talent quickly. Avanti provides recruitment process optimization as a service, strategically tailored to your company's needs.