Retain Great Employees-Use Employee-Centered Design to Navigate Change

Apr 11, 2020

By Evelyn Milani

We all go through change in our personal and business lives. Now, more than ever change is a part of corporate America. Whether it be acquisitions, government shut downs/furloughs, new processes and workflows, changes in tech stack, business growth or contraction, new leadership and more, the business climate is dynamic.

Change in the workplace is a disruptor and can get at the heart of your employee’s personal security. Your employees feel a lack of control, knowledge of what to expect from day to day and what the change means to them personally. Since we are at low unemployment, recruiters are approaching your best employees and the timing for a job change during workplace disruption couldn’t be better. (I know, I am a recruiter)

Here’s what a smart leader can do-DESIGN a Plan for CHANGE WITH YOUR EMPLOYEES’ NEEDS AT THE CENTER OF THE PLAN:

Communicate early and often-Articulate the Big Picture, the organization’s drivers for change, the logic for the change

Provide training and support to your leadership team across the enterprise on how to help staff adapt to changes in the business environment

Align mentors and resources for those who are struggling with change

Create a continuous feedback loop with positive reinforcement for the long-haul (not just a month or so)

Approach your teams with compassion and empathy throughout the process

There are formal processes to implement Change Management, most technology environments are familiar. With any new software release, the customer’s needs are taken into account when the software is implemented. You don’t have to use a formal process if your budget is limited or time is of the essence. With planning and agreement across the leadership team, you can take steps that will allow you to retain great people and moreover, both you, your company and the employee will be more mature as a result.

Write or call me if you don’t implement Employee-Centered Design for Change and lose a key employee-

I can help you recruit [email protected]

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